Friday, 15 April 2011

online degree

Equipping You to Succeed
Liberty University’s online program offers you the flexibility to study at your own pace, from your home or office, while retaining a level of structure that will help you stay on track toward achieving your educational goals. Not only will you receive a quality Christian education in a flexible format, but one that is accredited and at one of the lowest costs in the nation.

Online Degree Programs
Online degree programs are completed at a distance from the Liberty University campus through a variety of venues, featuring primarily online instruction. Most online courses are eight-weeks long, while a select few are sixteen-weeks long.

Blended Degree Programs
Blended degree programs are completed through any one of the following combinations:

online courses and traditional residential courses
online courses and on-campus intensives that are weekend, one-week or two-weeks long
online courses, traditional residential courses, and on-campus intensives

The Online Degrees You Need to Succeed

You may be closer than you think to the career of your dreams. That’s because at Ashford University, you can transfer up to 99 approved credits. You graduate faster, spend less on your education and maximize your career potential. Your Enrollment Advisor can help you choose a program that fits your personal and professional goals and makes the best use of your approved transfer credits. Whether you’re looking to earn an Associate’s, Bachelor’s, or Master’s degree, you’ll find your ideal program at Ashford University.

With Ashford University’s online degree programs, you can:

Work toward a degree without disrupting your life.
Keep your current job while benefiting from the accelerated online environment.
Finish your degree in as few as 12 months.

Higher Education Made Affordable

You deserve a quality education at an affordable price. Make your investment in your education count when you attend Ashford University. You’ll find that one of our goals is to help you maximize your investment from initial fees through the entire financial process.
Our Faculty

When they’re not teaching, the instructors at Ashford University apply the same theories and techniques in their own professions. You benefit from their real-world experience. All Ashford University instructors hold a Master’s degree or higher, excel in the art of teaching online, and honor it as a top priority.
Financial Aid

You may qualify for financial aid. Contact us and let a helpful Financial Services Advisor guide you through your options and help determine the best one for you

Online Education Journals

Finding Online Education Materials

The material for online education journals is gaining relevance in a quickly evolving landscape. The need for improvement and achievement has been one of the most grueling desires of successful people. In a journey towards almost limitless wealth creation, every lesson learned is used to advance oneself. Finding the key to unlock the secrets of wealth creation and financial freedom is therefore a constant absorption of knowledge. In this case, the values of 21st century education should be a continuing source of information for people wanting to find financial freedom.

Thus, the relevance of online education in the continuing search for 21st century knowledge has been increasing. As people are slowly starting to see the value of having a 21st century education, the demand for much learning that is much higher than what classical knowledge has sky rocketed. More and more people are taking advantage of the influx of digital information by applying great lessons that they learned through online learning. Indeed there are many materials available about financial literacy in online education journals.

Mind Tickling Online Journals

One such series of online education journals that talks about 21st century education is the e-course of Jamie McIntyre. As the author of “What I didn’t Learn in School but I Wish I Had,” Jamie was once a young man blown away by debt. However, he knew that he had to change his mindset. He invested his time and money to acquire a millionaire’s mindset. Along the way he has helped the lives of different people wanting to achieve financial freedom. Now he is offering mini online education courses with no cost at all. His initiative has allowed a lot of people gain valuable insight about wealth creation and personal management in a way where there could not have been a better approach.

The material of online education journals regarding financial freedom and wealth creation are tremendous. As an example, Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad, Poor Dad has opened the eyes of the middle class on the value of an emergent education. Like Jamie McIntyre, he contends that what we are learning today is far removed from what the world is really built on. In order to get over the system, people should get back to learning what is really essential in achieving absolute freedom. Kiyosaki’s online education journals have been one of the most read personal wealth content in the web. This shows that information can be tapped anywhere. With inspiring people openly sharing their experiences, the wealth of online education journals on wealth creation can help change a nation from a defeatist perspective to a society where true wealth is shared.

Towards Self-Improvement

The practicalities of online education are endless. Online education allows you to have time flexibility and keep a full-time job while studying in the luxury of your own home. At the same, the mobility of students is enhanced in such a way that people can go anywhere and still learn. The physical and power structure that is found in classrooms is therefore different. Online education journals also help in one’s personal development. Most of these journals about wealth creation are designed to be highly comprehensive and readable for any reader at any stage in their lives. Students can pick their own pace while amplifying the advantage team works to succeed alongside each other. 21ist century online education can be learned linearly or dynamically without much hassle of stress.

Thus in our continuing effort to improve, online education is the way to go. Online education journals will be your constant guide until you acquire the shift in mindset and transmute your knowledge into action. Find the most apt online education journals for yourself and start learning the 21st century way.

Can Online Education Be Equally Helpful?

There has been a lot of buzz about online education these days. There is one section of people who believe that education that is available on the net has made matters a lot easier. Now, you do not have to physically go to school to get educated. Child education is not restricted to that any longer. It can happen within the four walls of the house as well. You only need a computer and net connection for the purpose. However, the matter is not about how useful and convenient it is. The real question is whether it is at all healthy to get educated online. Can you take the risk of trading with the conventional method of actually going to school, attend classes and get formally educated for this emerging new phenomenon? This is a question that requires a lot of introspection and analysis. It is very easy to dismiss the old and embrace the new. However, you have to weigh the pros and cons thoroughly so that you do not end up taking a wrong decision and then regret it for the rest of your life.

One thing that can be stated without doubt is that nothing can replace the school atmosphere as far as child education is concerned. It is not without reason that so much stress is given to the activity of going to school on a daily basis and following a specific routine everyday. The practice of dividing the school time into different periods and maintaining a specific routine day after day has broader implications. It teaches a child the importance of order and discipline in life. This can scarcely happen in net education. Even if you allot a specific time to it, you can never hope to bring the disciplined approach that usually accompanies a school.

A formal education in a school also gives you the opportunity of meeting so many new persons and interacting with them. A school is not only about child education. It is much more than that. It is here that you form friendships that often last lifelong. Do not forget that you have to live in this society itself and for that, social interaction skills are a must. This cannot happen in an instant. It can happen only if you grow up in a social atmosphere and what better place for that than the school! You can learn so much in a school. You have to admit one thing that the amount of fun that a school life promises along with all the studies and hard work cannot be paralleled by a home-based education. When it comes to making a choice, a formal educational pattern in spite of all its shortcomings still has a lot to offer as compared to education on the net.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Tasks for Online Teachers

Although online teaching can and should be as high-quality and effective- as on-site education/training, some professionals are better suited than- others to working online. Online educators need to facilitate individuals’- learning; bring together students with diverse interests, skills, and needs- to form learning communities; clearly state expectations and maintain high- standards; be adaptable in regards to learners’ needs; communicate clearly- and effectively; and enjoy working with the Internet.-

Facilitate Individuals’ Learning-

Teaching online is sometimes like being a coach or a cheerleader. You need- to help learners develop strategies for working efficiently on their own and- gaining the information and skills they need to complete the course (and,- you hope, apply the information to their lives or careers). In academic- settings, new online learners may need you to be part of their educational- support network, to provide encouragement as they return to school after- a long absence and work with a newer medium.- Facilitating individuals’ learning also means that you continue to develop- teaching materials and find ways to help learners find information in a- format to meet their learning preferences and learning or personality styles.- Although you might not be able to meet every student’s preference with- every activity, across the course and the curriculum there are a number- of different activities designed to help people who best learn with differing- methods.-

Individual needs also may include learners who are widely separated- geographically from other learners and need assistance in connecting with- other people going through the same program. You may encounter- communication problems, because learners are in different time zones, and- their work or travel schedules may preclude finding convenient times for- synchronous communication. Learners also may vary in their skill levels- and physical abilities, which require innovative teaching or training- approaches to provide information and activities in usable formats.- Instead of being the source of information for learners, you are the guide- who directs learners to resources, oversees progress, and initiates groups- and activities to help people learn.-

Form Learning Communities-

You also need to make learners feel a part of a larger group and develop- activities to bring learners together in meaningful ways. Learning communities,- small and large, are an important component of successful online- education. By socializing learners to the online environment, you help- them connect with others to discuss ideas and share information.-

State Expectations and Maintain Standards-

Online learners are very focused on their educational needs and want clear- statements of what is expected from them in the course. They prefer- standards be outlined at the beginning of the course, so they can measure- their progress and understand how their performance will be evaluated.- Clear expectations and the consistent application of standards are important- to online learners, and you must consistently stand up for the stated- objectives, expectations, and outcomes for the course.- In an academic course, learners also should be expected to be critical- thinkers who discuss information with other learners and the teacher,- develop interests that may not have a direct bearing on their careers, and- learn to find and evaluate additional sources of information that can help- them continue their education on their own. These types of objectives- should be explained and encouraged by the teacher; they may be part of- the stated course objectives, but they are far more difficult to measure. As- the facilitator/guide, you must ensure that discussion, debate, and critical- thinking are parts of an effective online academic course.-

Be Adaptable-

Because you work with technology, you must be able to learn to use a course- Web site, update materials, troubleshoot basic problems, and feel comfortable- learning new computer skills quickly. Technology changes rapidly, and- you must feel comfortable working with new tools and information designs.- As well, you need to be adaptable to learners’ needs, so that you can explain- assignments or activities in different terms, possibly for international- audiences, and help individuals succeed in the course. Flexibility and- adaptability are important traits for any online teacher.-

Communicate Clearly and Effectively-

Although more multimedia are becoming available for online courses, most- online communication with learners in academic programs will be written.- You may occasionally use videoconferencing or audio files to present- information or discuss topics with learners, but primarily you are going to- be sending lots of e-mail, posting bulletin board messages, keyboarding- comments in a printed chat session, and drawing or writing on a- whiteboard.- It is imperative for you to communicate quickly, clearly, cleanly, and- correctly to everyone, but you should especially be careful to craft- information for international audiences. You need to be sensitive to the- nuances of language, as well as different cultural expectations for different- types of messages.- Your written communication must be a model for your learners’ written- work. Because written communication may be studied and interpreted long- after you send it, your communication must be able to stand up to scrutiny- by a variety of readers.- When you use multimedia, you need effective presentation skills. You- should be interesting for learners to hear, as well as precise and clear with- your message. Your speaking rate, word choice, and enunciation are crucial- to learners’ understanding. You also need the ability to think on your feet- as you respond spontaneously to questions and comments.-

Enjoy Working with the Internet-

You must enjoy using the Internet. Learners use it often, and you should- keep up with trends in design and information. You should feel comfortable- browsing the Web for new information for your courses, and you need the- skills quickly to find information stored in potentially millions of sites and- databases. You need to be familiar with a variety of search engines and be- able to help learners differentiate among appropriate search engines for- their work. You have to be an efficient online researcher and, ideally, a- competent information designer who keeps up with usable educational- interfaces and technologies. If you are going to work online, you have to- enjoy your working environment and be able to discuss Internet news with- learners.-

The following checklist of statements may help you assess your competence- in each area. Ideally, you should be able to check each box. Of course, every- teacher identifies strengths and weaknesses within such a checklist. You- want to evaluate your overall suitability for facilitating an online- curriculum. By using this checklist each time you work with an online- course, you can continue to monitor your progress as an online teacher- or trainer and point out areas of excellence, as well as skills that need- improvement.

Facilitate Individuals’ Learning

- I develop information to meet the needs of learners with different learning styles.
- I develop information that is accessible to learners with different abilities.
- I follow guidelines, such as those set by the W3 Consortium or my institution for making course materials accessible in different formats on the Internet.
- I consider learners’ work schedules, time zones, and geographic locations when I set up times for required synchronous activities.
- I provide a variety of dates and times for required synchronous activities.
- I consider learners’ level of technical expertise when I develop assignments and activities.
- I provide a variety of group and individual activities.
- I consider the availability of computer technology and learners’ access to the Internet as I develop assignments and activities.
- I help learners locate information on the Internet.
- I help learners locate information on the course site.
- I explain assignments, activities, and course information in terms that all learners can understand.
- I provide (an appropriate amount of) special assistance or additional individual guidance to learners who are having difficulty with the course.
- I provide additional information or support to learners who want to do more than what is required for the course.

Form Learning Communities

- I participate in professional (external/outside the institution, business, or course) learning communities for teachers.
- I participate in learning communities within each class I facilitate.
- I require group activities.
- I monitor group activities.
- I facilitate the development of learning communities that are not required for a group project.
- I communicate with all learners in a course at least once a week.
- I assist learners in communicating with each other.
- I create bulletin board, e-mail, and other print communication that can serve as models of effective, positive, and grammatically correct business communication.
- I create a positive, professional persona for synchronous communication, through chat sessions, phone calls, videoconferences, or other “in-person” communication.

State Expectations and Maintain Standards

- I state course objectives at the course site.
- I provide on the course site a schedule of deadlines and due dates for assignments and activities.
- I explain on the course site the grading or evaluation criteria for the course and individual assignments or activities.
- I state at the course site all expectations for performance and achievement.
- I maintain the stated standards throughout the course.
- I serve as a role model who meets deadlines and consistently adheres to course standards and expectations.
- I encourage learners to discuss their course performance and achievements with me.
- I work with learners individually and as a class to help them succeed in the course.
- I encourage questions from learners.
- I provide suggestions for improving assignments or completing activities.
- I am available several times a week for consultation.
- I post grades or complete performance evaluations quickly.
- I quickly provide feedback about learners’ assignments, activities, and overall performance.

Be Adaptable

- I work with learners individually to help them meet deadlines and complete assignments.
- I work with learners to help them schedule activities within their course, work, and life schedules.
- I can adapt the schedule within the standards established for the course.
- I can provide learners with additional materials or explanations to help them modify assignments and activities appropriately for their career or professional needs.
- I can direct learners to other professionals within the institution who may help with specific problems or needs.

Communicate Clearly and Effectively

- I write grammatically correct, clear, and well-organized messages and documents.
- I analyze the recipient(s) of my communication so that I meet their information needs.
- I vary my communication style to fit the situation.
- I speak clearly and precisely in audio/visual communication.
- I speak at an understandable rate in audio/visual communication.
- I am enthusiastic and positive in my communication.
- I am professional in my communication.
- I maintain a professional but friendly persona through my communication.

Enjoy Working with the Internet

- I feel comfortable using a variety of search engines on the Web.
- I send e-mail frequently and efficiently.
- I post bulletin board messages frequently and efficiently.
- I use the whiteboard in lectures and other course activities.
- I direct discussions in chat rooms.
- I post grades to an online gradebook or complete performance evaluations online.
- I participate in videoconferences or conference phone calls.
- I participate in online groups, through newsgroups, mailing lists, and chats.
- I upload and download information easily.
- I locate electronic materials for my courses.
- I design or assist in designing course materials.
- I design Web pages.
- I maintain the course site or another Web site.
- I learn to use new software as it becomes available for learners and teachers.
- I keep up with Internet-related news, such as virus warnings, announcements of new services, and trends in technology.
- I participate in Internet-related workshops.
- I share Internet-related information with colleagues.
- I like working online.
- I encourage learners to take online courses because I believe in the benefits of online education and training.

Will online education replace traditional learning?

The 2011 Future of Online Education - from says distance education removes the traditional in-person barriers of learning, therefore allowing millions of young and old to teach or learn what means the most to them, all within the confines of their living room or favorite coffee shop.

"Business and government entities are using online education to get out information fast and effectively," says John Evans, LE Tech Consulting LLC. "The future of online education is promising for those who want to reach a large number of people in a shorter period of time."

Over a few weeks in early 2011, conducted a survey of educators and related education experts to collect their views and opinions of the future of online education.

Here’s what the report quoted some of the experts about online schools.

Julie Braun from says, "Every subject can be covered online, which potentially makes going to a physical college or university obsolete. Colleges and universities need to wake up to creating amazing experiences that can't be created online. Unique learning and think tanks, hands on experience, etc."

Larry Lawton from says, “Online education will fade to a degree because interaction with people is the most important part of education. As a man who sees thousands of parents with children who are addicted to the computer they are getting more and more frustrated with online issues.”

Jason Press from StudyPoint, Inc. says "There's no substitute for a fantastic teacher sitting down face-to-face across the table from a student offering personalized attention to help make the light bulb turn on in a particular subject. Online education creates supplementary tools to help further facilitate that experience."

"Online education need not be seen as a replacement for the traditional learning environment rather it should be seen as a set of tools that will allow students to excel and for tutors to maximize their effectiveness," says Press.

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Online education ~ Developing an Individual Course

Sometimes, especially in colleges or universities new to online education,- teachers have the responsibility of turning on-site courses into their online- counterparts. This process may be the institution’s (and teacher’s) first- foray into online education. Teachers may determine that a new course- would be well suited to the online format and would be an important- addition to the curriculum. The administration agrees, and the mechanism- for offering such a course (or courses) is put into place. However, the- teachers may bear the weight of planning and developing course materials- and later working with technical experts to implement the course online.- If courseware selected by the university or college is used, the teacher may- be responsible for uploading course materials and learning to use the- courseware. In a similar way, teachers (who observe firsthand how a course- should operate and how well learners understand and use materials) initiate- updates. They may be responsible for uploading new information within a- courseware structure, or providing materials or descriptions of activities- for learners (such as streaming media) that then have to be implemented- by information technology experts. If teachers update courses as they see- a need for change, this situation may result in a less structured, sporadic- series of course changes. Not all teachers may feel that periodic updates are- necessary, or they simply may not have the time needed to update courses- as often as they would like.-

Administrators may determine that a new course is needed and then ask/- invite/require teachers to develop materials suitable for online classes.- Department chairs, deans, university presidents, or other administrators- are then responsible for managing curriculum development and responding- to market needs for online education. They may supervise everything—- curriculum development, strategic planning, teacher training, marketing,- scheduling, and other educational and business decisions.-

Designing and developing online courses may be the responsibility of any- number of people, who have different interests in and experiences with- distance education. The amount of time for course development, schedule- for implementing and updating courses, and degree of interaction among- teachers, designers, and technical specialists can vary widely among- academic institutions and businesses. You need to understand the- infrastructure, development policies, and implementation procedures for- your university or college.-

If you have come up with the idea for an online course, you might do most- of the planning before you propose a course to an institution’s administration.- If you have visited course sites similar to the one you want to- develop and if you understand the institution’s or corporate vendor’s range- of course offerings, your plan should illustrate how a new course would- fit into the current series of courses. If you are familiar with online- education, you may have designed a course on your own and now want- to offer it to an institution already familiar with online education. In this- situation, you will probably have to revise some of your plan to meet the- institution’s needs or overall objectives for and structure of online courses.- Perhaps your university or college is just beginning to offer online courses,- and you have been asked to develop a new course, or to turn an on-site- course into a compatible, effective online version. Your planning may stem- from a committee’s ideas about what should be in an online course, or the- institution may have already developed a model or guidelines so that all- courses will look alike.-

Whether you are updating an older course or creating something brand- new, you first must make sure that the purpose for the online course is- apparent. Savenye, Olina, and Niemczyk (2001) suggested that teachers- initially should select courses that they have successfully taught on site- as those that are later offered online. In this situation, the need for the- course has been established, the course approved and in place on campus,- and some parameters for course content, prerequisites, and support already- determined. In other words, you are not just creating online courses to be- trendy or to prove that you can, and much of the preliminary justification- or rationale for the course has been completed.-

Before your course planning gets into specifics, you and others involved- with program development must be confident that learners need the- course, the information does not duplicate that provided in other courses,- the course fits into the planned or existing curriculum, and the subject- matter can be well presented online. The course must be necessary and- marketable. Without meeting these criteria, a new course should not be- developed.-

If you are sure that a new or an updated course is warranted, no matter- what your specific situation, you will need to plan the course carefully.- Some administrators and teachers are surprised that this part of the process- requires a good deal of time. However, you should keep in mind that even- if you have taught an on-site version of a course that is about to go online,- the electronic medium differs from the on-site classroom. Both venues have- similar objectives for learning, but you must ensure that the online classes- are interactive and have a seamless, interesting interface. Although you- may have a head start on finding materials or a model to follow, you still- have a great deal of planning to do to create an effective online course.- Course designers must ensure that the educational structure is sound and- meets students’, teachers’, and the institution’s needs (especially in the- development of degree programs and in light of accreditation).

Study Finds That Online Education Beats the Classroom

The report examined the comparative research on online versus traditional classroom teaching from 1996 to 2008. Some of it was in K-12 settings, but most of the comparative studies were done in colleges and adult continuing-education programs of various kinds, from medical training to the military.

Over the 12-year span, the report found 99 studies in which there were quantitative comparisons of online and classroom performance for the same courses. The analysis for the Department of Education found that, on average, students doing some or all of the course online would rank in the 59th percentile in tested performance, compared with the average classroom student scoring in the 50th percentile. That is a modest but statistically meaningful difference.

“The study’s major significance lies in demonstrating that online learning today is not just better than nothing — it actually tends to be better than conventional instruction,” said Barbara Means, the study’s lead author and an educational psychologist at SRI International.

This hardly means that we’ll be saying good-bye to classrooms. But the report does suggest that online education could be set to expand sharply over the next few years, as evidence mounts of its value.

Until fairly recently, online education amounted to little more than electronic versions of the old-line correspondence courses. That has really changed with arrival of Web-based video, instant messaging and collaboration tools.

The real promise of online education, experts say, is providing learning experiences that are more tailored to individual students than is possible in classrooms. That enables more “learning by doing,” which many students find more engaging and useful.

“We are at an inflection point in online education,” said Philip R. Regier, the dean of Arizona State University’s Online and Extended Campus program.

The biggest near-term growth, Mr. Regier predicts, will be in continuing education programs. Today, Arizona State has 5,000 students in its continuing education programs, both through in-person classes and online. In three to five years, he estimates, that number could triple, with nearly all the growth coming online.

But Mr. Regier also thinks online education will continue to make further inroads in transforming college campuses as well. Universities — and many K-12 schools — now widely use online learning management systems, like Blackboard or the open-source Moodle. But that is mostly for posting assignments, reading lists, and class schedules and hosting some Web discussion boards.

Mr. Regier sees things evolving fairly rapidly, accelerated by the increasing use of social networking technology. More and more, students will help and teach each other, he said. For example, it will be assumed that college students know the basics of calculus, and the classroom time will focus on applying the math to real-world problems — perhaps in exploring the physics of climate change or modeling trends in stock prices, he said.

“The technology will be used to create learning communities among students in new ways,” Mr. Regier said. “People are correct when they say online education will take things out the classroom. But they are wrong, I think, when they assume it will make learning an independent, personal activity. Learning has to occur in a community.”

Online Education Degree – 7 Things You Must Do Right To Succeed

Attaining an online education degree has opened opportunities for many students, especially those who find paying for traditional full-time courses outside their reach. But as much as acquiring an online education degree has many benefits over traditional learning, many factors play a role in order to make it successful for online students. Because of the differences in the way that online education is disseminated and acquired, some amendments in approaching this mode of learning need be put in place to make it a success.

1. Choosing the right accredited online college or university – The first step is to select the right institution to provide for your online education degree. Do your homework before starting school, and make sure the school has been accredited by the appropriate accrediting agencies. Unfortunately, without that educational stamp of approval, the degree will not be worth the paper on which it is printed. In fact, “diploma mills” offer substandard, or no education with the promise of a quick (but worthless) degree.

2. Evaluate the cost and benefits – Generally, obtaining an online education is a costly venture. Most people do not realize the cost is often more than a traditional education. So, it is important to evaluate the desired online education degree, and determine whether the benefit of future income opportunities will offer the reward for gaining an online degree.

3. How do employers view an online education degree? – There are many instances where employers were skeptical about the legitimacy of online education degrees. With so many “diploma mills” out there, it’s warranted for employers to be cautious. Although an online education degree might be legit, it would be very helpful to the employer if you provided the type of accreditation your college has beforehand to avoid any misunderstanding. By letting the employer know in advance that your institution was accredited by an institution that is recognized by CHEA and US department of Education, you will be a step ahead in qualifying for that dream job.

4. Practice discipline, time management and be determined to succeed – During the course of learning, many students simply lack discipline and are unable to focus. This makes it difficult to keep up with their online lessons and coursework, it is thus crucial for students in pursuit of online education degree to have a great determination to succeed. It is very easy to lose focus and motivation when studying alone. Exercising good time management and keeping in constant touch with classmates would increase the morale to succeed.

5. Utilize all the facilities provided – Online courses generally provide online lectures and email correspondence to ensure a means of communication with instructors, tutors, and fellow students. Take advantage of every opportunity to utilize these resources of motivation and encouragement, as well as establish a sense of connection with the college or university.

6. Make use of credit transfers – Many online education degree colleges allow students to transfer their credits from courses they took in previous colleges, whether online or traditional. By doing this, it means students don’t have to repeat courses they learnt before. For this to be effected, it’s important for a student who intends to pursue an education online to make sure they get transcripts and results from their previous universities or colleges and make them available to their accredited online college so they can be passed as transfer credits.

7. Make use of the educational technology – Accredited online universities offer a plethora of opportunities for doing necessary research and other facilities to ensure adequate completion of the course. Normally, the cost of virtual libraries, the programs to access online lectures, and even student online access and e-mail accounts are factored into the cost of the course. Therefore, it only makes sense to use all the technology available to make the most of the educational opportunity in achieving an online education degree.

Find more information about accredited online degrees including online education degree programs to meet your career goals.

Going the Distance With Online Education

This article charts the promissory notes and concerns related to college-level online education as reflected in the educational literature. It is argued that, to appreciate the potential and limitations of online education, we need to trace the issues that bind online education with distance education. The article reviews the history of distance education through the lenses of three historical themes—democratization, liberal education, and educational quality—and charts the current scene of online education in terms of three educational visions that may inform the development of online initiatives: the presentational view, the performance-tutoring view, and the epistemic-engagement view. The article emphasizes the potential contributions of

Chemical Engineering Distance Education and Training Overview

Online chemical engineering education programs are available from a variety of colleges, usually as bachelor's or master's degrees. These degree programs are offered via education portal software that combines many online communication tools into a single interface for easy use.
Online Chemical Engineering Education Programs

Online chemical engineering degrees are available as both fully-online and hybrid programs and, depending on the program, have a varying degree of flexibility from institution to institution and even from class to class. Some classes function on a traditional class schedule, with regular assignment due dates and class participation requirements. This is especially true for hybrid programs, which require students to spend a certain number of class periods on campus each semester. Online-only chemical engineering programs are often more flexible, with fewer due dates, and may only have a single deadline at the end of the term to submit all assignments. A few courses may have no deadlines at all and allow students to work entirely at their own pace.

Online chemical engineering degree programs, like many other online programs, are usually presented via unified education software that combines e-mail, instant messenger and forums into a single interface to allow students to communicate both with teachers and other students. Automatic testing and assignment grading is also a standard feature of such software; voice or video conferencing may also be available.
Online Programs in Chemical Engineering

There are two main options for online education in chemical engineering. Both bachelor's degrees and master's degrees in chemical engineering are offered in online format by both traditional and online-only institutions.
Online Bachelor's Degree in Chemical Engineering

Bachelor's degree programs in chemical engineering are usually designed for students who have little or no background in chemical engineering and wish to begin a new career. These degrees take about four years to complete and often end with a Bachelor of Science degree, usually specifically in chemical engineering. Bachelor's degree programs in chemical engineering may include courses on subjects in stoichiometry, thermodynamics, process control, chemical engineering plant design and physics.
Online Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering

Master's degree programs in chemical engineering are typically designed for students who have an undergraduate degree in chemical engineering; some programs make allowances for students with a degree in a similar subject who are willing to study as necessary during their master's degree program to make up the gaps in their education. Commonly offered courses include mass transfer, chemical engineering kinetics, thermodynamics and viscous flow.

Online Electronics Schools and Colleges: How to Choose

Electronics degree programs are available to prepare students for careers as technicians who repair electronic devices and as engineers who design new electronics equipment, depending on the level and content. Students may commonly find online electronics programs at both the associate's and bachelor's degree levels.
How to Choose an Online College for Electronics
Electronics Degree Availability and Options

Electronics degree programs are available in online format from many different colleges and vocational schools. Students often choose an online program depending on the career they wish to pursue. For example, prospective electronics technicians often complete an associate's degree program for entry level training, while electronics engineers must complete at least a bachelor's degree.
Time Commitment and Format

Many online degree programs are designed with flexibility in mind for those who work full time or have other time requirements that prevent them from taking traditional classes, and electronics programs are no exception. Prospective online electronics students may choose from flexible classes, which have flexible assignment and test due dates, or programs that have strict due dates and online attendance requirements for lectures or discussions. This information is often available on the schools website and students may wish to select a program that matches their study habits or fits their online availability.
Online Electronics Degree Options
Online Associate of Science in Electronics Technology

An associate's degree program in electronic technology prepares students to work as electronic technicians who repair, service and install electronic devices. It is available in a fully online format and students often participate in online labs and simulations, which complement the video lectures and lessons. Common course topics include AC and DC circuits, PC board layout and technical writing.
Online Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering Technology

Online bachelor's degree programs in electronics are often designed for prospective engineers who wish to design new electronic devices and systems, rather than repair them. These online programs in electronics are often designed for flexibility and include courses such as robotics, computer technology and digital systems troubleshooting. The bachelor's degree program often takes 8-9 semesters to complete and requires general education classes, such as algebra, chemistry, composition, physics and history.

Online Education Articles

nternet is loaded with websites that offer you the chance of getting the best education from home. You can register in these virtual universities and can see lectures on videos from scholars all around the world. Online education has made quality education accessible for people living in all parts of the world.

Learn more about online education, interactive sessions, online examinations and much more.

Monday, 11 April 2011

Is Online Education Right For You?

In a nutshell, online education requires self-discipline, organization, and the ability to use modern technology. Students must be able to learn through written words, not audible words. And they must feel comfortable sharing information over the Internet. Students must also believe their education can be learned without ever stepping foot in a traditional classroom setting.
To determine whether or not online education is right for you, you need to be honest with yourself and ask the following questions?

Why do you really want to return to college?

Understanding the real reason for returning to college is vital to your success. If you're returning to college just to have something to do in the evenings, returning to college is not for you. But if you are returning to college to better your lifestyle, get a raise, advance your career, or set an example for your children, then there's a 90% chance you'll not only complete your courses, but get a good education in the process.
Why do you want to pursue an online education instead of attending a traditional in-person college?
If you're a social butterfly who flourishes when others are around, attending an online course may not be for you. If, on the other hand, you're quiet and reserved, online education can be your ticket to success.
"Research indicates that quiet students often thrive in online courses," says Dr. Stella Thompson, an online Assistant Professor of English at Prairie View A&M University. "This environment enables quiet students to consider a response and to compose and revise that response multiple times before making their knowledge public."

Do you tend to quit a project due to lack of motivation?

If you can't stay motivated on your own, an online institution is not your best choice for getting a degree. Attending an online college means you must be self-motivated. You won't find the professor, or another student reminding you to get to work, stay on task, or turn your assignments in on time.
"Completing a degree online demonstrates a tremendous commitment and discipline on behalf of the student," says Shari Sterling, Director of Enrollment Management at Northcentral University. "The student must be self-motivated to be successful."

Do you work better alone or with other people around?

Can you work in solitude? While you may be networking with other people through the Internet, you won't see these people face-to-face and that can feel isolating at times.
Do you need in-person study groups to help you complete assignments and shoot ideas off of, or can you find the same help from Internet interaction? Why does one method work better for you than the other?

Do you learn better by reading, by listening, or by seeing?

When you read information, do you comprehend what you've read easily or must you read the information several times to understand what is being said? If you find it difficult to comprehend information when read, and learn better through visual or audible techniques, you may want to find a traditional institution.
Can you write your thoughts down so others understand what points you are conveying?
Since online courses require the use of written words to ask and answer questions, as well as turning in assignments, you must be comfortable with sharing your ideas in written form.

How many hours can you devote to learning, studying, and homework?

You need to set aside time every day to work on your courses. Whether you're researching, reading, completing an assignment, or meeting your classmates in an online forum, your education needs to have a priority in your busy schedule.
"Just because you don't have to attend school at a particular time everyday, doesn't mean you don't need a daily or weekly regimen," says Terri Main, an online instructor and teacher of 20 years. Your schedule "may vary from day to today, or simply be spending 30 minutes a day on your education, but it needs to be consistent."

Does your work require you to travel a lot?

If you're constantly away from your home computer, it can be difficult to get your assignments done. However, it's not impossible. If you travel a lot, you'll need to invest in a laptop computer and wireless Internet access.

Do you have a working computer in your home?

If your computer is over two years old, it could be outdated and unable to handle the demands of attending an online institution. You need to find out what kinds of software programs are needed for the course you plan to take and if your computer has enough RAM, and hard drive space.
Keep in mind that you can use an older computer, but if it doesn't have enough memory or space to run a particular program it will stall and freeze, which can be very frustrating and eventually cause you to quit.

Do you have dial-up Internet access or high-speed cable/DSL?

The courses you take will determine which Internet access is best. If you have dial-up Internet access, you'll need to set aside more time for research, uploading, and downloading.

Do you understand how the Internet works?

how search engines work;
how to send and receive email;
how to attach documents in an email;
how to download programs or documents to your computer;
how to find downloads later, when you need them;
how to use hyperlinks;
how to use chat rooms, message boards, forums, or instant messaging and what the proper etiquette is;
how to protect your private information; and
how to protect your computer from hackers, spam, and viruses.

Do you know how to cut and paste?

Sometimes you'll need to take information you've written in one program and put it in another program. This is called "cut and paste." If you don't know how to do this, find out how before you begin your online education.

Do you find learning new computer programs easy or hard?

Depending on the online course you take, you may need to download new software programs. If you find it difficult to learn new computer technology, you'll need to either set aside more time for learning, or take a traditional class. "Online learning can be completely dynamic and engaging! Whether it is due to health, excessive job travel, military personnel stationed overseas, or living in a remote or rural area, continuing your education and earning your degree online" is possible, says Sterling. Are you ready to take the next step? Start by searching for online courses and online degrees now.

Tuition for E-Learning: What is Reasonable?

The cost of an education can be daunting, even frightening. If viewed as an investment, tuition makes perfect sense. But still, what is a reasonable price to pay for an eLearning degree?

Research reveals that the cost of online education is frequently the same as conventional education. Most of us have a sense of what a degree through a traditional public school should cost. Things like the type of degree, the prestige of the school, and the demand for the degree all impart their effect. Tuition costs in these schools are fairly well benchmarked, documented, and standardized by credit hour.

Move into the online world, however, and many of us wonder what is reasonable. This is because we're in unfamiliar territory and we've heard stories of exorbitant tuition and fees. In actual fact, there isn't a lot of difference.

Public schools tend to be less expensive than private schools in both worlds, but since private schools moved into the online arena faster we may be conditioned to think online education will cost more. Not so - most public schools tend to charge the same or slightly more tuition for the convenience of eLearning as they do for regular on-campus courses. Additional consideration has to be given to costs (or lack thereof) attributed to room and board, transportation, child care, and more.

By credit hour or by course (and by extension type of degree), you can easily measure cost. If you're thinking about an online degree, what you should not do is measure tuition against traditional education until you get a good representative sampling from the online world, then, factor in costs normally associated with on-campus programs. As we've said, in some cases it's more expensive; for others it's comparable or even less.

Your due diligence in investigating the cost of online degrees should be a part of your search for an online school just as with a traditional brick and mortar school. Only then will you have a true feel for the great variety that permeates both modes of education.

The following table is adapted from the National Center for Education Statistics and shows the total annual cost (tuition+fees+room and board rates) for 2- and 4-year schools in 2000-2001:

Average Annual Undergraduate Tuition
and Fees and Room and Board Rates Paid by Full-time-equivalent Students in Degree-granting Institutions
Year 2-Year Institutions 4-Year Institutions
2000-01 $4,862.00 $8,655.00
2000-01 $14,690.00 $21,907.00

By comparison, you can decide if the cost of the online degree you're considering is reasonable. Remember the tuition listed is above is annual and the concept that value is subjective, and be sure to factor in all the variables. In our estimation, online learning is a great value and offers students a wide range of choices.

7 Success Strategies for Distance Learners

Distance learning has special challenges. You will probably never see or meet the teacher. You won't have classmates. You don't have a campus full of people studying the same thing. But you can succeed! Plan on it! Follow the simple tips below, and you'll do better in your learning. They may seem pretty basic, but they'll help keep you focused and on track.

Set goals

Goal #1: "I will succeed in this course."
At the beginning of a new course, look through the materials. Break the lessons/assignments into manageable chunks. You might not have time to do
a full lesson in one night, so plan for how much you can do, then stick to it until you're done.

Establish a regular study/learning schedule.
Keep a calendar or journal with your study goals and important dates clearly marked-and look at it every day (a calendar can't help you if it's closed!).
Determine what time is best for you to study. Is it after dinner on Wednesdays when your partner is at bowling? Is it Saturday mornings when the kids are at soccer?
Take breaks-walk around and stretch. Drink some water or have a light snack. If you're studying nutrition or health topics, you know how important this is!
If possible, have a dedicated study place with all the supplies you might need (computer, paper, pens, calculator, etc.)
Pace yourself. Don't over extend yourself. There's a reason it takes several years to graduate from traditional university. You're in this to learn, not just to get a certificate, so make sure you're learning, not just racing through the materials.

Talk about it!
Tell people what you're doing. You're more likely to stick to a course if your
co-worker knows you're doing it. If you are studying high-tech or internet development, the person might just know a programmer he can hook you up
with for tutoring.
Ask a friend to check up on you.
Ask someone to proof your work before you submit it.

Join a study group-this doesn't have to be stuffy!

Join a club. Aspiring financial planners could join a local investing club.
If you're studying a language like Spanish or Japanese, ask the owners of a local restaurant if they know anyone who might like to do language exchange with you.
Get a mentor. If you're taking a course related to health or medicine, ask a nurse or pharmacist if you can take them for coffee once a month.
Search the Internet for bulletin boards or chat rooms related to your topic.

Know your learning style, and use it!

Look for real-world situations and examples of what you're learning about. If you're studying about civil engineering, pay attention to bridges.
You'll be much more interested if you're involved, not just reading about a topic.
Put things into practice as early as possible.
If you're studying accounting, practice by balancing your checkbook.

Celebrate successes!

Reward yourself with whatever works for you, along the way. Remember, you chose to do this. Be proud of your accomplishments!

Accelerate your Career with Fast Online Degrees

In this day and age, more people are turning to online colleges to obtain accelerated degrees that will help enhance their careers. With fast degrees, you can obtain a college education in less time than ordinary degree programs would take. There are many benefits to furthering your education in this manner, and many online colleges and universities are starting to offer accelerated online masters degree in many courses of study, including business, accounting and several others. If you’re interested in pursuing one of these fast degrees, it’s important to keep several things in mind before committing to a course of study.

When pursuing accelerated quick degrees via distance education, you can finish your course of study up to 50% quicker than a traditional degree program would take. What’s more, these fast degrees are generally much less expensive because they can be delivered quickly through a variety of educational mediums. Accelerated degrees aren’t generally for everyone. Usually, these programs are designed for adult learns with a desire to enhance their career field with a degree they can complete in less time than a traditional institution would require. Because you can bring your own life experiences to the table, online degrees are ideal for the working professional with a desire to better themselves in the workforce.

While many people will attempt to tell you that online learning is easier than learning through a traditional class room setting, this is actually a myth. To succeed in an accelerated degree program requires intense motivation, self discipline and a high level of determination to achieve your educational goals. What’s more, it’s important to learn how to manage your time effectively between juggling a career, home life and school. While accelerated degree offer convenience and a chance to study at your own pace, these fast degrees require as much work and concentration as a traditional program of study would.

Because with accelerated degrees you are learning a vast amount of material within a small time frame, it’s easier to remember the information you learn because it’s delivered over a period of weeks rather than months. This type of course structure requires intense concentration, but you’re able to focus on one specific topic, and the information is delivered in a highly condensed format. The convenience just can’t be beat as far as fast degrees go, and you’re able to learn a wide variety of things in a short amount of time compared to a traditional classroom setting.

Obtaining an accelerated quick degree from an online college is not for everyone. Before you commit to an online program, you need to take a look at yourself and analyze your situation. Do you possess a proactive personality? Are you willing to complete tasks on your own without someone holding your hand along the way? To be truly successful in this type of program, you need to be a very independent individual. As long as you have the motivation and desire to succeed, you can achieve anything you want through an online degree.

Provided you do all of your research before jumping into the college waters, you’ll be able to find an accelerated degree program that works for you. With accelerated degrees, you need to have the ability to manage your time effectively, because it’s very easy to get behind in your coursework if you aren’t keeping up with the rest of the class. Fast degrees are definitely a convenient way to further your education online in a shorter amount of time, but online study requires an intense amount of drive and focus. If you have the willingness and desire to get the work done, you will succeed in obtaining an accelerated degree online.

Online High School Diplomas

It used to be that if a person didn't graduate from high school, their lives were going to go downhill from there. These days life is a little more flexible, although it still holds true that to hold a decent job you need the bare minimum of a high school education. Luckily, the rise of the digital age has brought about resources to help those who didn't graduate obtain a high school diploma online. Additionally, receiving an online diploma offers teenagers a chance to obtain a high school education away from the traditional school setting and to work at a pace that suits them. Whatever the reasons for getting a high school diploma online, there are certain things everyone needs to be aware of beforehand.

The importance of a high school diploma cannot be emphasized enough. There have been numerous studies conducted which show that the average salaries of individuals with a high school diploma are much greater than those who do not possess a diploma. Additionally, diploma will give you a great sense of accomplishment and achievement. Because of the impact a high school diploma can have on your life, it is important to fully understand and research the kind of high school degrees the internet has to offer. By taking the time to properly educate yourself about online high school diplomas, you will obtain a diploma that not only helps you financially, but also provides you with a sense of pride.

When searching for an online high school, it's important to avoid being misled by outrageous claims and boldfaced lies. Receiving an online diploma isn't a one-night deal; it takes work and dedication just like receiving a traditional high school diploma would. When choosing a school to study from, there are usually two options including public internet schools and private internet schools. Either school will allow students to acquire an online diploma, but there are certain advantages and disadvantages to each that you should look into before deciding on a school that's right for your needs.

In the case of private internet schools, these institutions are generally not regulated by the government. Because of this, each school is allowed to adopt their own rules and regulations throughout the learning process. Obtaining a high school diploma through a private school will vary in cost from school to school, but it's generally very high because you are responsible for every cost of your education. As with any school, be sure to check if the particular institution you're interested in applying to is accredited by the proper accreditation boards. Otherwise, your online diploma may not be accepted as proof of a high school graduate.

With public schools, provided your state allows charter schools it's quite possible students will be allowed to enroll in an online public school free of cost. While charter schools are generally publicly funded, but have more freedom when it comes to governing organizations. While achieving an online degrees diploma from a public charter school is a great deal, they may not be available in all states. To receive your high school diploma through one of these online institutions, it's important to check with your state's rules regarding charter schools to ensure you can obtain an online diploma this way.

Whether you want to receive an online university diplomas through a private or public internet school, it's important that you do all of your research beforehand to avoid being burned by the institution. Your high school diploma will serve as the foundation for furthering your education and open up new windows of opportunity to you that were closed before. Obtaining a high school diploma online is a viable and realistic way to achieve academic success. Provided you are disciplined and willing to work hard, you will succeed in obtaining an online diploma.

Beware of Fake Diplomas

With the rise of online distance education programs, students everywhere are turning to this convenient method to receive a college education. While there’s no denying that online education offers prospective students a flexible alternative to traditional schools, there are certain scams you need to be aware of to avoid receiving a fake diploma. Fake degrees are more common than many people might think, and anyone can be fooled into believing they are receiving a quality education when in reality, they are not. While distance education is a viable way to obtain your education goals, be aware of the following scams or you very well might end up with a fake diploma.

When searching for online degrees programs, it’s very important to assure that the school is accredited. It’s very easy for a college to say they are fully accredited, but unless they are accredited through proper means you could end up with fake degrees that will mean nothing to prospective employers. Nowadays, some schools that are only out to take your money will create their own illegitimate accreditation boards to give the illusion that their school is the real deal. To stay safe, and to be sure you don’t end up with a fake diploma, check with the proper accreditation boards for any online program you are considering.

One common sense sign people tend to miss is the lack of contact information a school provides. A legitimate school will provide complete contact information for students to get in touch with their teachers and faculty. While e-mail is definitely a convenient way to contact your school, it shouldn’t be the only way. Check to make sure the school you wish to attend provides an address and telephone number where you can reach them. Schools that offer fake degrees oftentimes omit this pertinent information, which should be your first warning sign.

It’s also important to remember that any claim that sounds too good to be true probably is. For example, if an online degree program claims you will be able to finish your education extremely fast or makes outrageous claims that sound unbelievable, listen to your intuition! It’s probably an advertising gimmick designed to take your money and leave you hanging with a fake diploma. Fake degrees will not be taken seriously with any employer or school, and if you fall prey to one of these scams you are the one left holding the bag.

While an online education offers people flexible ways to reach their educational goals, it’s important to keep a watchful eye out for anything that looks the least bit suspicious. In obtaining a college education, you want your degree to mean something and a fake diploma from a school that isn’t legitimate will not get you where you want to be in life. When researching distance education programs, always check to make sure the school is legitimate before you pay any money to study with them. If you’re not careful, you may end up with a fake diploma after all of your money and time has been spent.

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Technology & IT Degree and Programs

From banks' electronic financial records to the online databases at college libraries, computers have completely changed how we store and manage information. Because of this, degrees in technology & IT are now more marketable than ever. In fact, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that computer and information systems managers should have extremely strong job growth through 2016.
Career Training in Technology & IT
An associate degree in information technology can qualify you for an entry-level job as a computer technician or junior programmer. A bachelor's degree can provide specialized career training in a particular area, like personal information management, statistical analysis, or operating systems. If you plan to teach technology & IT at the college level, you should look into graduate degrees.
DeVry University
We're with you, from start to finish.
DeVry University

Five colleges of study. One clear focus: Your career success.

Earn the respect of employers with a degree you can earn on campus, online or both.

- Associate - Electronics and Computer Technology
- Bachelor's - Computer Engineering Technology
- Bachelor's - Computer Information Systems - Computer Forensics
- More
University of Phoenix
University of Phoenix makes higher education highly accessible.
University of Phoenix

With convenient class locations as well as online learning, University of Phoenix makes quality higher education highly accessible. Whether you're seeking an associate's, bachelor's, master's or doctoral degree, we can help you reach your goal while you work-and much sooner than you might expect.

- BS in Information Technology-Business System Analysis
- BS in Information Technology-Information System Security
- BS in Information Technology-Networking & Telecommunications
- More
Capella University
As an accredited university with online degree programs in five schools, Capella University is committed to helping you accomplish your goals through a high-caliber educational experience.
Capella University

Capella combines outstanding academics with a supportive faculty and staff in a program designed for working adults.

An education that blends theory and practice to fuel your career

- BS - General Information Technology
- BS - Health Informatics
- BS - Information Assurance and Security
- More
Walden University Online
Earn a respected bachelor's degree, master's degree, or Ph.D. online at Walden University.
Walden University Online

Balance your personal and professional commitments while earning a respected Ph.D., master's degree, or bachelor's degree online at Walden University. Programs offered in management, education, psychology and health and human services.

- B.S. in Computer Information Systems - Information Systems Security
- B.S. in Information Technology
- Masters of Information Systems Management - Enterprise Information Security

Strayer University
Earn a degree that fits your life at Strayer University.
Strayer University

Get the right foundation for your future with a degree from Strayer University. Evening, weekend and online classes are all available to meet the needs of busy adults.

- AA: Information Systems
- BSIS: Computer Security
- BSIS: Homeland Security and Info Systems
- More

Online Business Degree Programs

Online business schools provide an easy, convenient way to earn your bachelor's or master's degree. Earning an online MBA degree is a streamlined approach to getting ahead in your career. You can also earn a bachelor's degree online in a number of business related fields. For example, you could prepare for a successful business career by earning your online accounting degree or online marketing degree. If you enjoy working with others, earn your online human resources (HR) degree and enjoy an interactive career in human resources. Whichever business career path you choose, an online business degree is a great first step towards success.
DeVry University
We're with you, from start to finish.
DeVry University

Five colleges of study. One clear focus: Your career success.

Earn the respect of employers with a degree you can earn on campus, online or both.

- Bachelor's - Business Administration
- Bachelor's - Business Administration - Business Information Systems
- Bachelor's - Business Administration - Project Management
- More
University of Phoenix
University of Phoenix makes higher education highly accessible.
University of Phoenix

With convenient class locations as well as online learning, University of Phoenix makes quality higher education highly accessible. Whether you're seeking an associate's, bachelor's, master's or doctoral degree, we can help you reach your goal while you work-and much sooner than you might expect.

- BS in Business/Accounting
- BS in Business/Administration
- BS in Business/Green and Sustainable Enterprise Management
- More
Capella University
As an accredited university with online degree programs in five schools, Capella University is committed to helping you accomplish your goals through a high-caliber educational experience.
Capella University

Capella combines outstanding academics with a supportive faculty and staff in a program designed for working adults.

An education that blends theory and practice to fuel your career

- BS - Accounting
- BS - Business Administration
- BS - Finance
- More
Walden University Online
Earn a respected bachelor's degree, master's degree, or Ph.D. online at Walden University.
Walden University Online

Balance your personal and professional commitments while earning a respected Ph.D., master's degree, or bachelor's degree online at Walden University. Programs offered in management, education, psychology and health and human services.

- B.S. in Business Administration - General
- B.S. in Business Administration - Management
- B.S. in Business Administration - Marketing
- More
Keiser University
For over 30 years, Keiser University eCampus Online has provided student-centered, quality career education.
Keiser University

Keiser University eCampus Online offers degrees in fields that are in high demand and provides job placement assistance to all its students and alumni.

- Business Administration - Management, BA (Online)
- Business Administration - Marketing, BA (Online)
- Business Administration, BA (Online)

Online Health Care Degrees & Courses

In 2004, the health care industry provided 13.5 million jobs in the U.S., according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. An online health care degree can land you in one of these excellent careers, which range from direct patient care to administration. Careers in health care include x-ray technician, nurse, dietitian, office manager, supervisor, and more.

Earning a health care degree online is becoming easier as the number accredited programs are increasing and more health care organizations are in need of educated workers.
University of Phoenix
University of Phoenix makes higher education highly accessible.
University of Phoenix

With convenient class locations as well as online learning, University of Phoenix makes quality higher education highly accessible. Whether you're seeking an associate's, bachelor's, master's or doctoral degree, we can help you reach your goal while you work-and much sooner than you might expect.

- BS in Health Administration
- BS in Health Administration - Emergency Management
- BS in Health Administration - Health Management
- More

Real Estate Degree and Programs

Career options in real estate include sales and brokerage, property management, and building inspection and appraisal. Every state (and each career path) has its own requirements for licensure. These can range from a short training course to a bachelor's degree in real estate, finance, or business. Continuing education is generally required to keep licenses current.
Real Estate Careers
Appraisers establish the value of commercial and residential buildings by analyzing their condition and quality, and comparing them to recently sold properties in the same area. Inspectors check buildings for safety and functionality, and report items that don't meet building codes or require repair. Property managers administer buildings, ranging from apartment houses to hospitals. They also run community homeowners' associations. Real estate agents and brokers facilitate the buying and selling of commercial and residential property.

Online Education Articles

Education can now be obtained not only from within the four walls of the classroom. With our online education articles, you will gather information about the top how-to video sites that cover topics about just anything you want to know. Even tutorials are now becoming more of online activities rather than face to face encounters. Find out how you can make money through online tutorials. For parents and students, find the best sites of getting tutorial services. You could even use interactive sites for your tutorial lessons.